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Child Care

Planning Council

Child Care Planning Council: Inner_about


All children in Solano County will have access to high quality, safe and affordable child care


The primary mission of the Solano County Local Child Care and Development Planning Council (Solano LPC) is to plan for child care and development services based on the needs of families in the local community.

LPCs are intended to serve as a forum to address the child care needs of all families in the community for all types of child care, both subsidized and non-subsidized. 



Our Council is proud to participate in the  Solano Kids Count Census 2020 Awareness Campaign!

Children 0-5 y.o. are the most undercounted segment of our population - and we need to change that. 

Click here for more information

AB 377 (Frazier) was signed by the Governor in October 2017. This legislation provides Solano flexibility in subsidized child care contracts based on a plan designed with local stakeholders in 2018. and updated periodically.  

Child Care Planning Council: Service



All meetings are open to the

public and held at different

locations in Solano.

Please click here

for the calendar


Proud Member of 

Solano Quality Counts


The Solano LPC is a proud member of Solano Quality Counts, which is a system-wide commitment and process to assess, improve, and communicate the level of quality in early care and learning programs, including: environment, teacher-child interaction, physical & emotional health, nutrition, and safety.

The Children's Network and the Local Child Care Planning Council are pleased to offer reimbursements and stipends for continuing education and professional development. This program is financed by the California Department of Education through their AB 212  grant. Click here for more information. 

Find a child care provider in your area and get information about related resources, including for children with special needs.

The purpose of the strategic plan is to serve as a resource for community members, to provide current data regarding our local community needs, to assist policymakers in making decisions that will positively impact Solano County’s families and children. This plan also serves as a blueprint for the activities for the planning council’s projects and activities.


During the fiscal year 2019-2020, Local Child Care Planning Councils (LPCs) are participating in the Preschool Development Birth Through Five Grant (PDG) by gathering specific information at the county level from LEAs, Parents, and Tribal Communities about various topics related to early learning services. Click here to access documents related to this project.   

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